
Saturday, February 9, 2013

The war against video games

It seems to me that whenever something bad happens to a community, people seem to always point their fingers at video games (circa 1997 Jack Thompson Heath High School shooting and Doom,Quake, Castle Wolfenstien). The worst thing yet is the ones leading the charge a top their high horse and pearly white preacher suits. They're the ones so out of touch with the youths today and obviously not care enough of their kids to know what they're going through that they are just blatantly throwing the blame without any concrete evidence to back them up. Like all the blame games that came before it, video games are suddenly the new Twisted Sisters (Dee Snider eats the Congress).

Anyways, since the Sandy Hook Shooting, people have been pointing their fingers every which way. First the NRA, banning certain guns and only allowing a hand full of bullets. Okay, fine by me I don't really care since I don't own a gun, but some of my friends do so they're pretty ticked about that. 

Then this happened: 
Adam Lanza update: After Sandy Hook school shooting, lawmaker Debralee Hovey proposes video game tax.

The short of it, Connecticut lawmaker DeBralee Hovey is proposing a 10% increase sales tax on Mature rated games (this includes Fable, sorry Nikki), which will be donated to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to cause an "educational awareness" to families on the warning signs of when they're going to start shooting people. Okay, it was worded more like "to educate families on the "warning signs" of video game addiction and antisocial behavior. (antisocial behavior, ha! Wtf is the point of multiplayer?)

Look, it's great that the tax would be donated for "The Greater Good", but seriously why aren't the other medias being blamed too? The beginning of Game of Thrones, one of the best tv series starts with a decapitation. Cartoon episodes of Batman where the Joker's goons start shooting up the place. Should we really blame them? HYELL NO! So why are we still persistent that video games are the cause of all these shootings? Now I know you might be thinking, well video games help you act out your fantasies, well sheeeeeeeiit, if your fantasies are to go around shooting children then I believe you were fucked up even before you ever laid your hairy hands on the controller. That's not the games fault, that's your fault. As the famous saying goes, guns don't kill people, people kill people. 90% of the games always portray you as the hero trying to save the world. Now if you're the kind to go around killing helpless villagers, then that's all you.

Anyways, it seems to me it's only the white young kids that go on a shooting sprees. I have cousins that were in the military who have tons of guns, and play Call of Duty as a favorite past time and not once did they go on a killing spree. Now I know you might be like "But Nick, what about that Virginia tech shooting" (in your husky yet alluring voice). Nah ah ah! He was Korean, we're Philippinos, wrong type of Asians.

Jack Thompson tried it and failed miserably, and here's to hoping this won't fly. Video games at $60 are already expensive, adding a 10% increase would just kill the industry (why, because companies will be forced to make more Barbies horse adventure since people won't be buying M games as much).

So as Dee Snider said "People can interpret it in many ways, Ms. Gore was looking for sadomasochism and bondage, and she found it. Someone looking for surgical references would have found it as well."